Sunday, August 30, 2015

(Hidden Post, 2021, xx)


Monday, August 24, 2015

Boxing Fetish Advocate: Pierre Fitch

A couple weeks ago, I dedicated a post to the gay boxing fetish as an ideal. In looking for a name to become headliner, to maybe get other people interested, I sort of nominated Ethan Axel Andrews as our official "star." And, given how this fetish could still use a little more representation, I stick by it. But, somehow I managed to forget that the gay adult community actually has a bigger advocate for the boxing fetish- Canadian ultra hunk and famed Cockyboys performer, Pierre Fitch. And, before I go any further, no it hasn't escaped me that the man is also notoriously unromantic and talks too much. I just can't remember that when salivating over the pictures I'm about to re-post, in collection-form. The man is too ultra-fine to ignore. Hit the mute button if you reach your "I can't take it anymore" quota.

Though I certainly wouldn't say anything to piss him off, as his boxing teaser video for Just Us Boys argues- he's a rough guy when he wants to be. He even has a tattoo of boxing gloves on his neck. And I'm not even into tattoos, but that one's hot!

Aren't there some days where you could just take Canada and fuck it like a volcano? God (and, no, I'm not religious) bless Canada!! Your men are as hot as your nights are chilly.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

(Hidden Post June-2021 b)

later, gaters.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

(Hidden Post June-2021 a)

something about crocodiles, ehhhhh.

Friday, August 14, 2015

TV Scene(s) - White Collar 1 - Actor Crush

So... I think the main reason for my interest in this episode at all, truth be told (it's network TV in the millennium-&-10, kinky doesn't exist there anymore), was Tim DeKay. I think he's one of the most lava-drippingly hottest men on the planet. And after spending all night looking up pictures of Matt Bomer to try and even this out, make my investment look less one-sided (not going to happen), I know very well that I cannot speak objectively. I never intend to; everything I say has always been from the point of view of someone with these fetishes. But, still, I think I have excellent taste. To these eyes, looking at Tim DeKay is like looking at a setting sun. Achingly beautiful, too perfect and far away to touch, and warms everything it shines upon. If this man is my bias, so be it. What a sacrifice!

His body has obviously changed shapes over the years, but I friggin' love every one of them!! (He looks gorgeous chubby!)

Here's Matt with Tim, shakin' it.

As for Why Aren't You Into Matt Bomer Like Everybody Else...? Fair question. Well, he looks a lot like Jon Hamm. I'm not that into Jon Hamm either. (Though the more I've flipped through pictures - a process I did enjoy - the more I've noticed he has hints of Luke Perry and David James Elliot in him. Both of whom I quite fancy.) But, as a fan of hot men's bodies, I am obliged to share some of him with you. Even I can admit he's fine. (And, you're welcome.)

Go to: Part 2

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