Thursday, May 2, 2019

My BG East Memories

Feelin' nostalgic?

Not sure that's the right word for it, but, I am most certainly feeling very historical when it comes to me and BG East Wrestling. The company which has given (all of us, to be sure, but especially - for the sake of this blog) me so many erections which I certainly - to myself - feel a little nostalgia for in some cases. Finding signature men, moves, machismo, matches, and (or) videos which express my personal, one-of-a-kind inner desires is something I hope we all like to do in this community. (Should anyone still be following me. Kudos if you are.)

My very first memories of BG East are hazy. They'd have to be. Because I just turned 36 years old this past October and I'd venture to guess I discovered BG East some time in the year 2000. Right around when I turned 18. So... half of my actual lifetime. But I'll never forget in the year 2000 (or, maybe it was 2001- I want to be as accurate as possible here), how I found them. It was through some sort of group. Either newsgroup or Yahoo! Group. Something a lot like the popular site, which I'm betting some of us have come across. A picture which piqued my interest (I used to surf a lot of hot guys in tight underwear galleries, somehow that led to private gay wrestling) had the BG East logo on it. I did some kind of Yahoo! search for more info and that search, serendipitously, linked me to this page:

And, just like that (you have to admit, that's one hell of a match description!)… history was made. I was drawn-in, full-on moth to a flame. For years, I went kind of crazy trying to imagine what happened in that match. Hoping I would come across more pictures. To say the least, I began to cruise the website every few days. Saving the little red-bordered pictures on my old 4:3 fullscreen computer, crushing supremely on Brigham Bell, Patrick Donovan, Ian Nesbitt, Brad Rochelle, Wade Cutler, and others.

Going insanely hot for the matches with some of the dirtier descriptions! (One of the wrestlers below has his name whited-out to protect their identity/anonymity.)

My first real "break" in finally, at long last, being able to see a BG East match was YouTube. Searching for wrestlers, series, and matches would have lead you nowhere. But, sometime in 2006, 2007... I searched plain "BG East" and a few results actually came up! No more than maybe 3 or 4 but what did I care. The first one I remember clicking on - and my internet speed back before I got Comcast in November, 2007, was slower than a snail - was Mike Columbo vs. Christopher Bruce (Hunkbash 4). But the one that really blew my mind was labeled "Say 'Goodnight,' Gracie" and all I remember was that I will never forget the uploader put the word "kibosh" in the video description section. I used that word to help me find the listing for the video's old link to the page years later when it had been taken down from YouTube. (Probably for copyright infringement.) I was jonesing to just get to see the old description again and maybe find a way to see the old clip. So I could match it against the full video years later when I rented it on The Arena.

Anyway, I thought I would try to recreate the way it used to look with some Microsoft Paint magic (lots of editing and Print Screen work). I tried to find an old 2006 YouTube page template but... couldn't find it. Had to use a 2019 YouTube page with a little nipping and tucking.

That one clip sent me into... well, it was the lust version of electroshock. I wasn't in great financial standing at the time, so I joined a bunch of newsgroups and hoped to one day find some video clips there. I almost never did. But... one day, I did find a few amazing seconds from one match:

BGE's website design has changed many, many times and I would say that they have without a doubt the highest-tech, best organized site out there. Though, some information does get lost to the sands of time. Like the Bratpack wrestling series. Though at one point, it was still there but wrestler names were changed to weird things like "Syddo Riley." Well, in case you're new to their site in any way, I found a few of my favorite artifacts from the "old school" days (some of these are marked PROPERTY OF BG EAST but the gallery they were sourced from was free to anyone viewing the site / they weren't pay-to-access and, since they've been taken down- I cannot link to those pages but I of course link to BG East in almost every posting and, naturally, I take no credit for these / they are simply screencaps):

Eventually; 10 years ago, I made this post about the page that started it all (a raunchy, hard-on raging, cum-drenched, location-alternating mat match between lean, muscled hunkasaurus Brigham Bell and humpy, nerdy-good-looks, curvy, perfect-assed Dino Serra). Right here. On this blog. Which is now 10 years old (as of May, 2008). From there, it's obvious that match descriptions sent me on the hunt. I hungered for more matches which might have sweaty animosity between the performers and a concentrated, power-based humiliation dynamic. Squash matches with a lot of electricity. Methodic destructions of jobbers. Even if I never "got" what I expected, I never stopped having fun fantasizing about it.

And this is the point in the story where I join BG East Arena. Here's how Wayback Machine tells me it looked back in fall of '08 (I say 'how they tell me' because it looks like Arena almost never changed their general look):

But if there's one thing I do know, it's how (again) serendipitous things can be in the realm of BG East uploading On-Demand matches is. Below is a Wayback Machine look at matches from some videos in the Wrestle Shack series and which were On-Demand available between September and early November, 2008:

I'm not exactly into astrology nor do I necessarily believe in signs, but it's a pretty big coincidence that they had just uploaded Brigham vs Dino, the first match I rented from them, within the first month I joined and the month of my Birthday. The two pictures show one wasn't available just a month prior. And that's serendipity.

To the INDEX


  1. I discovered BG East through VK last year (I was 22); stumbled upon the oil wrestling match between Wade Cutler and Steve Sherman. I loved it so much. It's hot and aggressive. It's the only the video that I watch over and over again.

    Do you watch the Paradise Oil Wrestling matches too? I've tried to find other matches on the internet, but I've only found 3 (Cutler v.Wade; Alberto v. Scorpion; Fahdi v. Nasty Boy) out of 16 matches so far.

    Perhaps, you have the link to those matches? It would mean the world to me.

  2. Hi, do you have any idea how to fet rhe bratpack series? I realy look for 2 matches : tony romano vs mark romano
    Animal ayben vs syddo oriely

  3. Hello, *Unknown*, I absolutely have no idea what "fet" means but I'm pretty sure BG East have permanently Vaulted all footage of the Brat Pack series. Forever. I don't think they were even sold on DVD before they were shelved. Someone would have to transfer the VHS to digital and, technically, I can not and do not advocate for / promote taking BG East's intellectual property without their express permission. Though I know exactly what you mean by how bad you want to see something. I agonize over those old "DAK" videos with Dom and Chris. I pine, both silently and screaming in the shadowy streets. Every night.

    JYDER: I think BG East has all their Oil matches for rent, on-demand to watch on their website, and The Arena. (check that out)
